Thursday 26 February 2015

Inquiry: Performing Arts in Education

How is the performing arts featured in the national curriculum in primary schools?

What is it you want to find out?

1) Within the curriculum how much time is spent on the performing arts?
2) Is it beneficial for the children?

I am interested in how children learn and that every child is different. From working in a primary school I have noticed that children either love performing or don't. I believe that some children don't have any confidence and therefore find it difficult to interact and join in. I am interested in looking into different ways of teaching children so that shy children can become more outgoing and will hopefully gain more confidence in doing so.

I have been told as a child I was very shy but I am very glad to have had the opportunity to participate in music and drama at an early age for me to overcome this. From working with children I have found that every child is different and will therefore find different ways to learn. I would like to research this more so that every child can benefit from doing the performing arts.

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