Wednesday 23 March 2016

Employment in the Musical Theatre Industry

What do agents look for in a Musical Theatre grad?

Stuart Piper, and agent at Cole Kitchenn explains that he does not look for a particular casting but chooses clients on who he thinks are special and who he thinks will become "tomorrow's stars." Piper describes that colleges are now trying to make their students triple threats having equal training in all disciplines. This therefore makes clients more employable as they are able to do different things including maybe playing an instrument.

I have started to look at employment in American Musical Theatre as I know nothing about employment there. In the UK there are various ways of getting your foot in the door. I've heard that its a lot harder to get into broadway than it is the west end so I'm going to find out more information.
This was the first link that I found about the subject. Most of the advice given relates to work in the west end too. The first two tips have been useful to me.
1) Get tickets to see shows- (especially if its the show your auditioning for) this will help on so many levels and gives you something more to talk about at your interview.
2) Get in the right room - face to face is better than electronic. Attend opening nights, conferences- get your face seen.

How to become a broadway actor/actress:

train train train - whats difficult is after college I now have to fund for myself and nowadays everything costs. It is a struggle to keep fit and also attend as many auditions as I can.
network - this has come up a lot in my research. Many people have said its about being in the right place at the right time- but you have to be in a place to start with.
always say yes - I agree with this to a certain extent but I will always remain professional.
see as much theatre as you can - I try and see shows as much as I can, usually I go spontaneously after an audition as I am already there.
take care of yourself - This has proven tricky as I work full time and its difficult to find time to attend classes.
show up and move on - go to auditions and accept that there is a high chance of rejection.

How to make it in musical theatre

What it takes to train a broadway star

I found this an interesting article. Even broadway stars are continually growing and never stop learning. It is not enough to just sing and dance, performers need to be strong triple threats and be able to sustain their stamina for eight shows a week.

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